PEOPLE I MAY REFERENCE (for your reference)...

Bedazzle: The best friend from home. Likes to gesticulate often to communicate with others. In college now to become a Speech Language Pathologist, although really wants to be a nurse. She will brighten your day, I promise. #bestfriendforever

Moonbeam: The other best friend from home. Has the IQ of a genius, loves God, and likes to sing opera in the shower. We've had ups and downs, but I don't know where my life would be without her. #alwaysdoesright

Ernie: Friend from home, who I can generally tell anything. She's my "college life" confidant (as well as former co-worker and gossip break buddy). She even understands me when I speak in French. #gossipgirl

Bro: The founding father of a Jewish frat on campus, despite the fact he is blond and has probably never spun a dreidel in his life. He also happens to be the guy who I have never been on a date with, am not dating now, and will never date in the future, but have been "seeing" for over two and a half years. Again, not his real name, but his nickname as given by two of my male friends. His languages on Facebook are posted as English and #winning

"The Music Crew" (Banana, ADE, Wolfman):
We've eaten lots of pizza and Sonic together, made up an awesome trivia team, been study buddies, filmed cheesy homemade movies, and listened to a lot of loud music in Wolfman's big red truck together. My college experience would not have been the same without them.

Banana: As a beautiful blonde with a charming personality, this girl brings all the boys to her side, no matter where she goes. Scarily enough, she also does the best Batman impression I've ever heard. #susiesunshine

ADE: I've never met anyone quite like this girl. My most free-spirited friend, she keeps life interesting and spontaneous as our version of Samantha from Sex and the City. She loves both drumming and drinking wine (by the bottle) in her free time. #justgowithit

Wolfman: The most dependable and friendly guy I know. If this guy says he will pick you up at 7:28, he means it to the last second. He loves tearing up the dance floor with his "awesome moves" and is basically the Dad of our group. If you've ever seen the movie Pretty in Pink, he is the real-life version of #Duckie

My Mom: Loves her family and former job. Very type-A personality. I inherited this trait (which may or may not be a good thing). Rainbows are signs from God directly to my mother. Not kidding. #rainbows

My Dad: Pretty much the comical relief of the family. I also somewhat inherited this trait (which again, may or may not be a good thing). He thinks he is a Tai-Chi Master. And also does Kung Fu for about 3 hours a day. No, we are not Asian, and yes, it does drive my mother crazy. #martialartsmaster

My Grandma: The older version of me. We're talking a wiser and slightly aged carbon copy, people. #mebutolder

My Nana: One of the happiest people you will ever meet. Her chocolate-chip cookies are to die for. #bestcookever

I think that about sums it up, but for every name you see mentioned in "Only If..." not included above, try checking my Retired Cast of Characters list.